Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 3 :: of pink and white and defying propriety

inspiration photos from and Pinterest

I needed to look professional today for a bear of an IEP meeting, but I refused to completely abandon personal style in deference to propriety.  My quiet defiance translates, then, as a blast of color coupled with a deliberate use of winter white.

I knew I wanted to showcase pink and white.  I knew I wanted to be brave unorthodox and do white on bottom.  So this was a case of backwards planning: I actually had an idea for an outfit and I just needed to find photos to back up my idea.  The two I found utilized florals and stripes and, although it may seem counterproductive, the patterns actually helped ground the outfit and toned down the sharp color contrast.

This gave me the opportunity to finally use a top I'd purchased from Forever 21 at the beginning of the season but had previously been at a loss on how to implement.  (By the way, "season" to me begins in September and ends in June - traditional academic year.)  I think the pink on the design plays nicely with the pink of the blazer, don't you think?

I also like how the belt goes - if not matches - the top as well.  It's a deep navy, not purple, and was another closet orphan until today.  (My de-orphaning the belt is thanks in part to my new belt rack which allows me to organize my accessories and see what I own.  Yay me with the accessories!)

I'm also loving my new pants, which I got yesterday in the mail from Kohl's and which prompted my brain fart in the first place.  (I know, I know.  I'm not supposed to shop anymore, but this purchase was made before my vow so I think I'm excused.)

:: Just the facts, ma'am ::
Shirt - F21
Blazer - eBay
Jeans - Lauren Conrad for Kohl's
Pumps - Ross
Scarf - Old Navy
Belt - TJMaxx


Maridel Dubb said...

cute outfit!! wish u showed the detail of the pants. so mad they no longer have my size :( btw, i am loving the waves in your hair. didn't realize how long it was either!

M @ My Closet Catalogue said...

I suppose I could take a pic of the pant detail. I guess the Kohl's site doesn't do it justice, huh?

Levy4Math said...

I love it!