Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 7 :: black and white part trois - the patterned dress

It seems it's either feast or famine these days.

Yesterday's outfit was a challenge but today's is like shooting fish in a barrel.  All I had to do was type in "white dress black blazer" and a plethora of choices came up, ready for Collage-ing.

Me without glasses.  I think I like it. 
I toyed with the idea of wearing a cardigan but the fabric of the dress is really stiff and a soft cardi just didn't lay right over it. I also toyed with the idea of my Jessica Simpson stilettos because the length of this dress made me feel like I needed to elongate my leg, but opted for the boot because I knew I was going to do a lot of walking today

As far as accessories, I kept things simple because I find that the color contrast of black and white loses its power with too much stuff.  See yesterday's outfit for an example.  I'm not saying it was bad, just not my fave.  I think all the bling I wore, coupled with the striped top, diminished the oomph of the look. Plus, I felt fussy all day.  So today, I chose a statement necklace that complements rather than contrasts.  The headband was a freebie from a recent Modcloth purchase and is my only nod to going beyond simplicity.

As the week progresses and I continue to create outfits, I'm realizing that I like having to follow a particular theme.  It simplifies things and provides order and cohesion to my wardrobe.  Maybe it's the English major in me or perhaps it's my closet OCD coming out.  Whatever the case, I think I'm going to follow suit for the next few weeks and I already have a couple of ideas for themes.  I'm always open to suggestions, though, so if you have any ideas, I'd be happy to entertain them.  Perhaps challenge me with something to see if my closet can take it?

:: Just the facts, ma'am ::
Dress - I.N.C. via eBay
Blazer - New York and Co.
Boots - Cathy Jean
Necklace - Francesca's Collections
Headband - Modcloth


Lorelei said...

I really enjoy seeing several people wearing a similar outfit as opposed to the pieces on their own. It gives more context to the choices you've made.

M @ My Closet Catalogue said...

I agree but sometimes it's a trial finding real people in my imagined outfits. I guess that's why blogs like these exist, eh?

Angel Diaz said...

Today's outfit... Not one of your best ones. I am sorry, I just felt by looking at it that it just wasn't you for some reason. Aren't outfits suppose to mimic the person's character? I think that you could have possibly rolled up your sleves a bit more or done something else. I don't know, its hard to explain. I just didn't get the feel the typical feel I get when you have a good outfit.