Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 5 :: black and white part un - the striped skirt

This week, rather than my random dart-throwing at Pinterest boards, I decided to challenge myself with a theme.  And since my closet is primarily made up of the two ends of the spectrum, I present to you, my friends, Black & White Week.

 inspiration photo from Wendy's Lookbook

Today is Monday and it's predicted to be the coldest day of the week.  A dreadful So.Cal. weather change with 80-degree temps is looming in the horizon so my cashmere turtleneck ensemble needed to happen now.

I'm not as cute and tiny as Wendy and my skirt doesn't have the coveted pockets but I think my version comes pretty darned close to the original. I did add the neck bling but only because turtlenecks give me uniboob so I needed a visual break against that vast expanse.  It takes the place of the belt from the inspiration photo.

Here is the shoe I wore.  It's a relatively new purchase (read: two weeks ago) from Target and I'm particularly proud of it because I'd been on the hunt for a comfortable yet cute nude pumps since forever.  There's an actual saga attached to that hunt but that's a story for another day.  Suffice to say, this shoe will probably feature often in numerous outfits to come.

Oh, and just for kicks, here's a photo of my faboo faux fur coat from F21.  (How's that for alliteration?)  It was originally $60 but I bought it after season and marked down to an unheard of $11.  Yep, it does pay to wait, doesn't it?

:: Just the facts, ma'am ::
Turtleneck - Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Skirt - a-thread
Pumps - Merona at Target
Necklace - F21
Coat - F21


Angel Diaz said...

Around what time do you post outfits??

M @ My Closet Catalogue said...

I try to do it first thing in the morning but I'm dependent on either O. or H. to take photos of me in private/secret. If someone - say, a former TA - wanted to come in the morning and do it for me, I'd be able to update regularly every day. ;p

Angel Diaz said...

Okay that works! :D

Angel Diaz said...

So, this outfit! Okay for this outfit I loved that it was simple, yet looked you. If that makes sense. My only thing would have to be, attempt to do something with your hair, It's lovely and you should experiment with it. Someway somehow. Oh, I remembered. The coat that you wore could be used for a different outfit. You could have done better with something else. Presumably a coat that was tan/nude to go with the shoes or a solid colour white/black. That's just me.

M @ My Closet Catalogue said...

I wish I knew how to fix my hair! I suck so bad at hair. I just want to put it up in a ponytail and be done with it. Too bad my sis isn't around to style it for me. :(

The coat was accidental. I hadn't planned on wearing one but got cold taking the pics so I threw it on and H. thought it would make a good photo. I would've done a red coat if I'd been deliberate.

Maridel Dubb said...

love the outfit! but yea, the coat was a lil much. would have liked to see it with the red coat you're talking about. just side sweep your bangs like before. or tease it at the crown, side sweep bangs, and make a cute side pony if u want your hair up.

Anonymous said...

Such a great outfit, a peptobismol pink jacket would be nice too---

This could be a great look for you, and pretty simple (it seems)

M @ My Closet Catalogue said...

I need to train my bangs to side sweep. Any ideas how?